Monday, August 8, 2011

Etsy Buys

I like to window shop ~ I especially like to window shop at night, after everyone's gone to bed, in my nightgown.  Etsy is one of my favorite places to do it.  I like to click on the little red heart and add things to my "favorites".  Then I can go back and look at them and enjoy without spending a cent. But every now and then the urge to buy gets to me and I make a purchase or two.  That's what happened a couple weeks ago when I bought these pictures to use in my bathroom ~ it's getting a mini makeover.

They're both from LorisWorld and I love them!  I can't believe how quickly they arrived ~ I ordered them on the 25th and I already have them ~ all the way from Italy!  Now to find the perfect frames.

 "Robin" -  an ACEO size original watercolor and "Collection No. 18" -  a 6 x 8 watercolor print.

There are a lot of wonderful things on Etsy.


  1. Oh,I love doing that very same thing and I refer to it as window shopping too....I have a list of favorites as the picture of the sweet little bird...share some pictures once you have them framed and hung....blessings on your week dear Marie.

  2. shopping in my pj's is my favorite way to shop these days.
    You made some great purchases. I love them both.

  3. Great choices Marie...and so "you". The chubby robin and the feathers and eggs. It reminds me a little of Michelle Palmer... in color. I hope you'll show us the powder room when it's finished. Then I can put it on Pinterest! (You find the best stuff!
    Every part of my body hurts tonight...scraping wallpaper while sitting on the floor. I'm too old for this I think!

  4. That bird is so cute... Great finds!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!