Friday, August 12, 2011

He's Beautiful

I was babysitting for Charlotte Tuesday evening while her Momma & Daddy went out for a bit. At 9:00 PM it was off to bed for a very tired little girl....she was recovering from strep throat and that just wore her right out. We read her little books, practiced her scripture verses (there are a few very short ones in one of her books that she's memorized) and then we said our prayers. After that, she fell asleep literally within about 2 minutes, but just before she did I said "Goodnight, I love you Charlotte" and she said "I love you too Gramma, goodnight"...her sweet voice fading away as she drifted off to dreamland. 
I sat there afterwards just watching her and listening to her breathe and suddenly I was overwhelmed by love for her.  So much so that my heart hurt near to bursting!  I thought about Elijah, Penelope and Caleb and it hurt even more.  They are such sweet blessings from God. 
As I sat there it occurred to me again that I have so many blessings in my life.  If I had to describe my life right now I'd say "It's A Wonderful Life"! It's not a perfect life...but I choose to focus on the good and I try awful hard to leave the hard stuff in His hands.

In His beautiful hands.

I love this song ~ hope you did too!

Have a joy-filled weekend!!

"The LORD bless you and keep you;the LORD make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you and give you peace."
Numbers 6:24-26


  1. Dear Marie, thankyou for this so beautiful post, and loving words.
    And I know exatly how you feel grandma, I could have cried all my way home from Copenhagen and Mathilde and Gustav last tuesday.The little girl wanting me so much to stay with her.... that is when life is both beautiful, and difficult :)

  2. Ohhhh what a beautiful post Marie!
    So very precious!!

  3. Your sweet post brought tears to my eyes...I know exactly what you are talking about....blessings sweet friend.

  4. A very sweet post. I can imagine how much joy you must get from those sweet little ones. It really is a wonderful life isn't it? It's all in how we look at things

  5. I can identify with every word dear friend. When it's time to say good-bye to Charlie and Miles...I miss them before we're out of the driveway! Sweet words...we are so blessed.
    Joyce (Bam)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!