Thursday, August 4, 2011

Katie's Rose

I know some of you read my daughter Katie's blog, but for those of you who don't I wanted to show you what she recently painted on her guest room wall....or as Charlotte calls it Nana's wall. 
(Nana stays in this room when she visits from England)

Katie found this fun idea on Pinterest.
(ah Pinterest ~ that's a whole other post!)

Here's where she started ~ with a giant graph chalked on the wall...see the faint blue lines?  Her little pattern is taped close by.

Seven hours of painting later and TA DA ~ here's the completed design. Pretty cool!  Great job Katie!
Nana is going to love it!  I love it too!
Here's the link with all the how-tos and more photos.


  1. That is awesome! Katie did a fantastic job.Hugs,Jen

  2. That is awesome, I love it, well done Katie!!! Marie, I have tried to leave messages on here for you for ages, but somehow blogger doen't let me. It has been very frustrating! I also tried emailing you only to have it bounce back. Maybe it was an old email? Anyway, I watned to congratulate you on your new addition to the family too. It is wonderful news. I hope you are well. I haven't been blogging much lately. Kathryn.

  3. That's beautiful....won't Nana be surprised? Blessings

  4. Hello, Marie!

    I just stopped by Joyce's blog...saw the wonderful package you sent to her...and decided to visit you, as well.

    What I nice place you have here! I loved your little bird's nest. We live on a wooded lot and I find blown-down nests all the time. I collect 'em! And this BEAUTIFUL cross-stitch rose painting is calling out to me...have to find a place for that...maybe in my "girl cave" redo.

    You girls have got me curious about Pinterest. I'd never heard of it before. I'll have to spend some time there. But not today...MIL is coming for a visit and I must CLEAN HOUSE!

    I'll be stopping by again...


  5. Katie did an awesome job with this project...she should be very proud of her work! I better hop on over and tell her that myself. How nice that Kathy dropped by to visit you.

  6. Oh wow, that's fantastic. What a great idea.

  7. Love that cross stitch rose, and painted!!
    Beautiful job!! Tell your daughter we really
    love it!

    blessings, Nellie


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!