Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekend in Review

So what did you do this weekend?  I painted a little shelf thingy for my kitchen, bought some great mark-down treasures at Michael's and some cute "fashion glasses" for the grandbabies at the Dollar Store.  I weeded and watered in the yard ~ why is it that no matter how hot it is the weeds still grow?!  Sunday morning I heard an excellent message at church and then headed off with Kevin, Jacqi and Penelope to see Joe, Jo, Elijah AND Caleb! On the way home we stopped at IKEA...always a fun place to visit.  I also took a three hour nap late Sunday afternoon ~ I can't remember the last time I did something like that. I felt a bit off & headachy all weekend. Hopefully my nap "nipped it in the bud"!
On a crafty note ~  Saturday I covered 14 pages of this book with old dictionary pages. It was great fun to spend a little time in my recently cleaned & organized craft room! Now what to fill these pages up with!!?  Any ideas?

I kind of like how sharing some of my weekend activities prompted ideas for some future blog posts for me....stay tuned!
Have a great Monday!!
One more thing ~ can someone tell me what happened to July!!!


  1. What a busy weekend! If someone tells you what happened to July please let me know.
    I have an on-going altered book project that i use to make collages for my favorite quotes.

  2. Oh...I don't know...may filled with grandbabies!?!? Have you ever done an art journal? This looks like a nice start.

  3. Congratulations on your new grand baby!! such a blessing he is. I have no idea where July went. It passed in a flash for m too. I just wanted to let you know that I received one of your tags from Karla's Birdsong Swap, I love the textured bird nest with the pearl eggs and the cool "fly" fabric tag. Definitely Looking forward to the next swap.

  4. Hi! love your post!

    You're invited to my party "Step by step on tuesday" since 16/8

    I hope you!


  5. The book looks great. I was going to suggest some sort of art journal too. You could take one of the words from the page and just do a page about it.

    Glad you had fun this weekend (minus the weeding).

  6. You had a busy weekend. I didn't do a whole lot. I did take a nap on Sunday though :) I meant to get out and do some weeding but the ground is so dry and hard as a rock.
    I have no idea where July went. Time is flying by way to fast

  7. Wow you were a busy lady.The book looks great.Hugs,Jen


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!