Wednesday, September 28, 2011


This is so totally true.  I think it's time for me to set some goals and dream some dreams....and then go for it.
How about you? Anything you're putting off because you think you'd a bit too old to take the plunge!?


  1. Absolutely! Too many people use their age to determine what they should be doing with their life... I think they use it as an excuse not to follow dreams and set new goals... I'll be looking forward to reading more from you Marie!

  2. Although I'm still relatively young, I guess this would apply to me too. However I'm the type of person who needs some sort of goal in life to motivate me to do anything. I set a goal 9 years ago as to how much I would like to earn, per year... It seemed to take forever, but in July I finally accomplished it. Now I get to set a new goal, which is exciting and scary all at the same time.

    Good luck with whatever goal you decide on. I'm sure how ever long it takes it will be worth achieving.

  3. You betcha :) Thanks for sharing this Marie, I think I needed to see this


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!