Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wax On, Wax Off

Aunt Mandy loves to teach her nieces and nephews "Only the best things..." and recently she gave Penelope a lesson on cleaning the table.  Here's Penelope learning the proper way to clean the table after dinner.  She has a wet cloth in one hand and a dry one in the other. She wipes and wipes with the wet one and then rubs and rubs with the dry...until the table is shiny bright!

Now Mandy can't teach them anything without teaching them the best thing to say while doing whatever it is she taught them to do.  In this case it was "Wax On" with the wet cloth and "Wax Off" with the dry one!  You totally see where this is going now...don't you!?

Penelope was brilliant!  "Wax On...Wax Off" she said over and over and over.......
Soon she'll be ready for some karate lessons. Don't ya think!?


  1. Cute, cute, cute! That little face.....

  2. sweet little angel learning from sweet and fun loving Aunt Mandy!

  3. oh that is just adorable and it sounds like aunt mandy knows how to teach good things in a fun way :)

  4. What a sweetie! How fun!Hugs,Jen


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Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!