Wednesday, November 30, 2011


I got to watch Elijah and Caleb Saturday afternoon while their parents went to lunch and a movie.  We had way more fun than they did!  These dinosaurs belonged to Elijah's daddy when he was a little boy. Elijah loves them as much as Joe did.  He had a great time helping the dinosaurs climb "Bird Mountain" as he called it. 
The dinosaurs were so tired when they got to the top - they all laid down and took a nice, long nap!

After they all got down from the "mountain" it was time for a quick game of "you can't see me Gramma!"  Lucky for me that Elijah finally peeked out....he's such a sweet face to see!

I love when my whole family gets together but it's an extra-special blessing to have a little one on one time with my grandbabies.  Two on one time is also special...but Caleb was sleeping when I took these photos.

Have a Happy Wednesday!


  1. So cute...I love children's imaginations...I enjoy when my grands are here playing...I get a pleasure in watching them so,I know what you were feeling watching your little one. I had my 15 year old twin grandsons spend a couple of nights with me this past week..although they just live down the driveway they had a ball and wanted to move in....Yes,I sent them home....I have had my share of raising teenagers :)
    Blessings Marie

  2. Boys and dinosaurs, like peanut butter and

    Very sweet pictures, looks like you both had a great day.

  3. oh you two did have fun. I would rather spend the day like that than a movie and lunch


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!