Monday, November 21, 2011

Thank You

I was going to try and reply to or visit everyone who commented on the posts about my father-in-law ~ but quite honestly I just don't have the energy.  But I certainly do thank you all for your kind words and your prayers.  They have been such a blessing to me...and to the rest of my family.
My father-in-law was 93 years old, we knew he wouldn't live forever....but his health changed so quickly.  He was in the hospital for nine days. Unfortunately they weren't very good days.  Bill and I were deeply troubled by the lack of compassion demonstrated by most of the medical staff caring for him.  Toward the end of the nine days (as his health declined very rapidly) we were praying for a swift move into the local Hospice home. Dad mentioned to Bill at least twice that he didn't want to stay in that hospital.  He was transferred to the Hospice home on Wednesday the 16th at about 10:00 AM.  Twenty eight hours later he was gone.  We are so grateful to the staff at Hospice - the twenty eight hours there were such a huge contrast to his hospital stay.  Because of certain things that happened we are positive he knew he wasn't in the hospital any longer. Events over his last two days also left me with the real hope that he is safe in the arms of Jesus. 

The past three days have been difficult....but we seem to be taking turns having difficult moments. So there's always someone to support the other in those moments.  It's funny, but my worst moments come when I'm brushing my teeth.  Almost every day while Dad was in the hospital I would help him brush his teeth.  His mouth was so dry and he so enjoyed brushing and rinsing his teeth...every one of them his own by the way.  At least five minutes of brushing and he wanted his toothbrush full of toothpaste.  I was accused of being stingy with toothpaste one night!  : )  This was his last real pleasure, and I can see him brushing his teeth thoroughly and vigorously every time I brush mine.....


  1. I know the pain and grieve you feel...asking God to give you strength and peace during this time....I had to smile when you mentioned that you had hope of his salvation...praise God!
    Praying for you all

  2. Oh dear Marie, I'm so very sorry about your and your family's loss. Bud seemed to be such a sweet man. He'll always be in your heart and your memories.
    Thinking of you and sending you very big hugs,

  3. Marie, I am so sorry to hear this.

    God bless you and your family.


  4. My heart wells up with joy as my eyes well up with tears reading this and knowing you have real hope he is safe in the arms of Jesus.

  5. In the beginning some memories are difficult. Those joyful times you spent together are treasures that one day you will be able to bring out again and smile. For now, hold them close to your heart and know that he is safely resting in the arms of Jesus.

  6. So interesting how daily activities can bring passed loved ones to mind. I am glad you were able to move him from the hospital and found peace.

  7. Big tight hugs and tons of love, Dear Friend~

    Wishing you peace in so many wonderful memories :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!