Sunday, January 15, 2012

Empty Nest

Mandy bought a condo late last fall and she has spent the last 2 1/2 months prepping and painting it. When my father-in-law became ill and then passed away she decided that she would put off her move until after she's taken her time moving her furniture and belongings into it.  But 99% of her things are there now and tonight will be the first night she's spending in her new home. 
I'm so happy for her.
She has this great new place to decorate and she's having so much fun doing that. Just look at all the great ideas she's been "pinning" onto her Pinterest boards!!  Shopping is a whole lot more fun for her too. She's had some wonderful times at Homegoods, Target and the thrift stores, tracking down treasures for her new space. It looks so cute! I want to get some photos of it to share on my'll love it too! The colors she's chosen are so pretty and bright and fun.  I'm so glad she has this beautiful place to call her own.
Really I am.


But it's very strange at my house right now.  There were four of us less than two months ago and now it will be just Bill and I.  It's the first time we've EVER lived anywhere by ourselves.  When we married, Bill got a package, 4 year old Kevin and 2 year old Joe.  So it's going to be really different for us now.  It's going to be really quiet...not that Mandy or Bill's dad were especially loud...but I've already noticed the change.  Bill's dad was hard of hearing so the first thing I heard upon opening my front door was the television...turned up really loud.  Plus in a lot of ways he needed us...and we're not needed like that anymore.  Mandy hasn't really "needed us" in a long time...although I guess I like to think she still needs her mom. Actually she takes care of us a bit.  She's a good cook and she likes to cook.  I guess dinners will be different too. 
She's not moving very far away at all....but I'm sure going to miss the daily visits, the dozens of shampoo bottles in the shower, the shoes behind the front door, the late at night chats in my bedroom, the clothes left in the dryer....

Life's all different...but it's good.  I am so happy for her!
I just need time to adjust.

I also need to remember that even though she won't be living with her mom and dad any longer, she'll always have her Father by her side. I know I can trust Him to watch over her better than I can.

One of the few "curly top" photos I have of this photo!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus" (Philippians 4:6-7).


  1. This post so reminds me of when my youngest left for college. I woke up in the middle of the first night she was gone. I worrying about everything, what if she got locked out of her dorm room, did she know what I mean. The suddenly I remembered....I had, had under my watch for the last 18 years and now it was time to let God be the Watchman. I felt more at ease and knew she was under a much more capable watch, than I could have ever been.
    You home is quiet yes, and things will be different, but that is life. You will soon enjoy the ability to do your own thing and realize you were making a lot of the mess too!

  2. I agree. Leave our children up to God. Once I read that it shows lack of faith in God when we worry. So, that helped me not to worry, and to let go, let God! And what a different stage in life to have the house empty out! But it probably makes it all the more exciting when they come back to visit, especially when you have grandchildren, as you are fortunate to have! love,andrea

  3. I know of these mixed emotions when changes come....It always takes a bit of adjusting but,it happens.Congratulations to Mandy on her new home....I pray she will be very happy. I just bet she comes around pretty often and makes a good dinner for mom and dad :) Blessings dear Marie...can't wait to see the pictures of her home.

  4. Oh, look at that sweet curly-top little girl! So precious! Now on to the adjustment time. In the spring of 2002 Erin and Jared moved to an apartment and Jill and Jamie got married. We went from seven to three and John, Abbey and I were in a funk for most of the year. It was a big adjustment. But it seems we are always adjusting to something as our families change and we all get a wee bit older.

    Often, I relish the quiet moments and I know John does too :)

    Best wishes to Mandy as she decorates her new home!

  5. Congratulations to Mandy on moving into her very own place. I bet she's really excited. I actually didn't have too much trouble adjusting to an empty nest. I found it harder to have the little birdies fly back home. A temporary situation that I didn't handle very I still have a hard time cooking for just 2 people. I always cooked for a family of 4 and I don't know how to cut it in half

  6. You have had a lot of changes...big changes in the last few months. Give yourself time to adjust. It's so different to not hear those familiar voices any more (on a regular basis)Lets look forward to meeting this Spring or Summer.

  7. Each day will get easier. I know you're very happy for her.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!