Wednesday, February 29, 2012

WDW - No Pictures Please!

I've shared many photos of Charlotte on my blog....proof that she loves to get her picture taken. At least she used to.  Right in time for our trip to Walt Disney World she decided she was done with all that paparazzi stuff..."No Pictures Please!" became her phrase of choice.

It started in the sky somewhere between our home and the home of the mouse!
"Charlotte, smile for me your new wings". 
"No pictures please!"

I'm pretty sure Mickey was surprised when Charlotte told me and the Disney photographer...."No pictures please!"

We can pretend that she's just trying to keep the sun out of her eyes....but we know better!
"No pictures puhleeeeze!"

Of course the rest of them HAD to join in!
All together now...."No pictures please!"

All was not lost though.  Charlotte's momma and daddy bought her a beautiful Snow White costume. Look how sweet ~ she's actually posing for Gramma, with a wonderful little smile on her face.

But that's enough of wasn't long until we were right back to "No pictures please!"  This is an attractive shot, don't you think!?

One of our Disney days was pretty cold.
So we got "No pictures please!" with gloves on.

Getting a little help from her momma!
"No pictures please!"

One of the high points of Charlotte's trip was getting her face painted.  She let Gramma take lots of pictures.  She sat perfectly still and obviously loved the finished look.

Sweet girl....thanks for smiling!  Better click the camera quickly.

And she's done.....
"No pictures please!"

Thankfully she sleeps and her parents and aunt walk away and leave us alone.  I got to snap some pictures of her pretty face with no one's hand in front of it.


  1. Your little princess butterfly is so beautiful behind those no thank you hands! My not-so-little-princess just gives me faces that I would rather not preserve on my camera :)

    Waiting for the call to meet Jamie and Josh at the hospital as a new grandbaby enters the world!

  2. Glad you got to get some shots without her hands in front of her face. Although, every picture tells a story, even if it's not perfect. :-) Love the group shot of "no pictures please". Hahaha. That's a great scrapbooking photo.

  3. Oh Marie that is too funny!!! I totally laughed! What a kids feel the same way...but I just threaten poor Bo at Christmas time. Smile or go to your room :)!!! that was for the Christmas card shot again this year...then I always think how foney it is when I send out the smiling Bo Christmas card....

    So glad you guys had run even if you don't have the pics to prove it :) Just kidding but really what magical memeoriies you guys made! & shee looks sooooo adorable in that snow white dress! Snow White is my fave :)

  4. She's adorable! The things kids pick up and then share with us. :-)

    Thanks so much for stopping by and I know your prayers are much appreciated by Ashley & her family.


  5. Oh that is just adorable. That face painting is gorgeous. Just love the "no pictures please" group shot and the one right after she let you take her picture in the snow white costume cracked me up.

  6. Marie,
    So day they are all loving to be photographed--and then suddenly : NO THANKS...I have had that with "my" Mathilde also,--little cuties-aren`t they??

  7. oh my goodness this is funny!! i had a son who was just like this...except he wouldn't even be in a we have a whole yr of family pictures of vacations, weddings and he is not in one picture!!! he is embarrassed about it now!
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    she is beautiful.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!