Monday, April 2, 2012

Our Daily Bread - Prayer

Life has been very busy since I last posted.  We had a wonderful visit with my mother.  Too short, very busy and lots of fun!!  We celebrated a birthday, took a day trip and the whole bunch went out to dinner one night.  Mom and I even did a bit of babysitting. There was never a dull moment.  We may have worn her out, but I think Bill "tricked" her into agreeing to come again in October...that's something for us to look forward to.!!
I was also in a craft show this past weekend....I made a little cash, spent a little cash, and enjoyed visiting with friends.  I didn't make a lot of things for this show...there just wasn't time.  But I did manage to make a few new things and I also decorated a jar and filled it with goodies. It's on the way to Oliva, my "Vintage Jar Swap" partner.  Photos of all these things will be posted next week.

Yesterday I enjoyed a wonderful program at my and drama about the final days of Jesus Christ's life here on earth. It was beautiful, it was powerful and it got me thinking about my "One Little Word" for this year.  Time.  I'm not spending enough time with the Lord...the busyness of life is clouding my vision again.  So this week I'm going to post excerpts from Our Daily Bread each day.  It'll help keep me focused.  I'll also be sharing photos that I took last week...when my mom, my daughters and I visited Longwood Gardens in Pennsylvania.

Longwood is full of beautiful flowers....God's's amazing! 

"For those who follow Jesus Christ, it is also a mistake to view the remarkable as ordinary. Think about prayer for instance. At any moment we can talk to the Creator God who spoke the universe into existence! Not only are we welcomed into His presence, but we are invited to enter boldly: “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need” (Heb. 4:16)."

I'm linking up with Lorraine's blog as we "Think on These Things".
As I think on prayer.


  1. So happy you had a wonderful time with your Mom! I love tulips...hope one day I'll be able to visit Longwood Gardens.

  2. Gorgeous tulips! Glad you had a good visit with your mom, and isn't it wonderful to look forward to her return in October?! Very inspiring thought about spending more time with the Lord - I needed that reminder. Thanks for sharing. Hugs ~ Mary

  3. Marie, I remember Longwood Gardens! I know there are pictures somewhere with my and my sisters standing next to the spring flowers! I'm glad you visit with you mom went well, that is Time well spent. We also had very moving services this weekend, seems more powerful this year than most, but my kids are very involved now and I think seeing them enjoy and ask questions is affecting.

  4. Dear Marie, I`m happy for you you spend lovely dayes with your mother...must have been so beautiful to see all those gorgeous flowers in real.

  5. I was just reading an article about prayer this afternoon...this scripture was the perfect companion to what I had just read....what a priveledge we have to approach the throne of grace

  6. What a beautiful post my dear sweet friend...I do must be mindful of such things...blessings

  7. Ohhhhhhh, such a beautiful tulip shot. Thanks for sharing. I'm with you. I need to spend MUCH more time with the Lord. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting, too, Marie. Hope you come back again. Susan

  8. Happy to hear of the special time spent with your mom. We used to go to Longwood Gardens each Easter with the girls when they were young. It is so beautiful and so is your photo!

    Thank you, Dear Marie for sharing this post on Think on These Things!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!