Tuesday, April 24, 2012


There's another arts & crafts show on the horizon.....well, not exactly on the horizon. But soon enough. Mid-November to be exact.  I want to be prepared...no last minute creating for this gal.  'Course that means organizing and tidying up my creative space first.....and again.

So that's what I've been doing the past couple days and that's what I'll be doing for several more.  But, all work and no play wouldn't be any fun. With that in mind, I paused frequently to snap photos of some of the great things I have just waiting to be turned into some marvelous creation.  Still having fun in mind, I played with Picmonkey a little more.  These photos are all edited using the camera option called "Yester-color".  Definitely has the 60's color going on...plus you can round the corners on the photo too.
Considering that some of these supplies have been around for a LONG time, using "Yester-color" seemed like a good choice.

I have some ideas in mind for some of these things.    Like the coin purses...I hope to turn those into some little prayer pouches. The little trays will be altered with some bird images and the crowns, well they're going to be crowns....just a little fancier than they are now.

Yes, those are fuses.  I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing with them. I found them when I was cleaning out my father-in-law's things.  The assortment below was in his desk drawer...he saved some fun stuff...and I gathered it up.

Those acorn caps down below need to be introduced to the felted balls up above...then they'll become this.
As you can see, I have lots of little tins and wooden spools to play with ~ what kind of things would you do with them?  Any ideas for any of the other goodies....I'm all ears!

Back to cleaning, tidying, organizing and purging....and hopefully, somewhere on the horizon, back to creating.  Happy Tuesday!


  1. Oh my gosh, what great goodies to play with and OH those buttons!! Loved the tour and thank you for sharing!

  2. What a treasure trove! That "little" lot will keep you busy for months!

  3. So many items for inspiration for your creativity! Beautiful photos too! I have been using PicMonkey and iPiccy. I'm thinking I like iPiccy a little better.

  4. What fun you will have with all those wonderful things. I hope we get to see the final results!

  5. cleaning and organizing my craft room is a never ending project for me. You've got a lot of very cool little treasures there to create with. Can't wait to see what you make

  6. oh I'm drooling over all those tart tins!!! I'm having a hard time finding them any more.
    fun fun treasures!
    barbara jean


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!