Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Iron Man

I'm not a huge movie fan.  I couldn't tell you what's #1 at the box office or anything like that.  However I would have to be living underground to not have heard about "The Avengers" movie.  I know it broke all kinds of records (thank you Mandy) and I know there's someone named Iron Man in it.  I might go see it....more likely I might watch it on a DVD someday.  But I say who needs movies when you want to see a Super Hero.  It's pretty obvious that I have (at least) one of them in my very own family.  Say hello to Iron Man Girl.

Thank you Katie....for the great Instagram shot.....and for the cute Charlotte too! 


  1. I was so scared until I saw the cute pink flowered dress and then my nerves calmed down...LOL! You go Charlotte!

  2. I'm not up on all the movies and can't even remember the last time I saw one, even on DVD. Charlotte makes a very cute Iron Girl


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!