Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Love to Swap

It's always fun to swap creations with other crafty bloggers. I recently participated in a great swap hosted by my friend Joyce at Scrap for Joy.  Joyce and I have never met (yet) but we've been visiting through our blogs and email for almost four years...we've even talked on the phone!  I was so excited to be included in her "Bits & Pieces" swap...and how lucky for me to be partnered with
Linda of Grace Filled Moments.
Just take a look at the treasures she sent to me!  First of all...I almost didn't want to open the tulle wrapped package...how simple and pretty it is!  But open it I did!  I love the cute little bottle cap magnet ~ it's already on my refridgerator!  A paper pack and some clips to add to my stash, some Zinnia seeds and a wonderful potholder....Wow! We haven't even gotten to the swap gift yet!

Can I just say that I LOVE this art canvas!  It's so me!  I love the colors, the vintage images, the buttons and birds and bows. A reminder to "pray daily" and to think "happy thoughts"!  I love it all so much.

I can't decide if it will hang in the newly decorated (almost done) guest room or.....

...my freshly painted (yellow) bedroom. It would look grand in either space.

My favorite square is the upper left corner....Linda took a picture from my blog and used it in her art.  What an awesome idea!!  Gramma, Grandpa and Elijah, Charlotte, Penelope and Caleb.  Perfect!!
Thank you so much Linda....for creating something so special for me!

Here's the art square I made for her - she mentioned that she decorates with pink & blue in one of her rooms...I'm hoping this fits right in.  I sent her some extra goodies too, but forgot to take any pictures of them.  Linda shares a peek at them on her blog post about our swap.

Thanks again Linda and thanks a huge bunch to sweet Joyce!!!


  1. What a gorgeous swap! You received beautiful little treasures along with that lovely canvas. And I absolutely adore the pink one you made for your partner. Sigh, its so very pretty.

  2. The canvas is so very "you". She did a great job!

  3. What a great swap! I love both the squares. Two very talented ladies! I have these on a "to do" list and you've certainly given me inspiration. Have a wonderful week!

  4. What a fun swap and great treasures! BTW, just read Karla's blog and loved her comment about the two of you crafting in the nursing home - LOL

  5. Dear Marie, what a wonderful swap, I love the pink canvas you made,so very lovely,-and your own recieved canvas, is totally sweet ,too.
    Such a pleasure to swap with blog friends.
    Hugs from Dorthe

  6. I would say you hit the jackpot with your swap partner. That's so nice. The one you made for her is great too

  7. Hi Marie! These are both just perfect. I had trouble deciding where to hang mine too. This was such a fun swap. Have a fabulous summer!

  8. Wow - both of these are so beautiful - I would be proud to hang either one of them in my home - lovely! :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!