Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Favorite Photo

For the month of June I'll be participating in a Photo A Day Challenge. One prompt, one photo, & few words. The daily prompt is the title of each post. Click on the link below for more information.

Truly, my favorite photo ever is one that includes any or all of my grandbabies but for this photo challenge I had to pick one.  So I choose this one.
There's something about this daisy shot that just makes me smile......


  1. oh I like this. Simple yet pretty

  2. Hi. Marie, enjoying the post but missing the grandchildren photos and updates in their life. Pj

  3. Dear Marie, this is so sweet,love the white in green!
    Hugs from me in denmark, Dorthe


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!