Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Remember this post?  Well, Saturday I bought myself some Black Eyed Susans.  They're going to get planted tomorrow - 'cause it's my day off.  I got a great price on two big pots of them at a flea market last Saturday.  I can't wait to get them in the ground!  Here's a snapshot of one bloom that snapped off the plant during the ride home.  It's such a happy flower!!

Anyone else a fan of the movie "The Quiet Man"? 
It's one of my very favorite movies.
I think this quote from the movie is appropriate for this post!

Will Danaher: Mind you, I'm fresh as a daisy!
Sean Thornton: You look more like a black-eyed Susan to me.


  1. Wish you luck with the planting, and many Black Eyed Susans to come ,the following years,dear Marie.
    The qoute is wonderful :-)
    Happy day to you.

  2. pretty!

    Love John Wayne in The Quiet Man!
    Love the fight, of course!

  3. I'm not familiar with the movie but I do love black eyed susans. Enjoy your day off


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!