Monday, September 24, 2012

Go Ahead....Make Something!

That's what I did this weekend. I made some oh so simple things.  Things that went together pretty quickly....some in the blink of an eye!  Saturday I covered 1/2 dozen notebooks with fabric. Now they're just waiting on some embellishments...I'll share a peek when they're finished.
Yesterday I made some REALLY simple things...with some inexpensive supplies. A simple combination of Bottles & Jars, Twine & Upholstery Tape transformed into these awesome pieces.  I LOVE how the bottle turned may be a keeper!  The little crowns were even simpler. I bought the crown  ornaments during the 2010 IKEA "after Christmas" sale. I finally dug them out of a box, and then I added a little knob to the top of each one.  In the blink of an eye....a little headpiece fit for a queen!  Or maybe just to sit so sweetly on a shelf! 

I'm linking up with "Whatever You Want Wednesday". 


  1. So very creative of you. I love the bottles with the jute webbing.

  2. I love your projects. Those crowns are very cool and maybe it's just me but I think jute twine makes everything look better :)

  3. Isn't IKEA the best for buying cheap cool "jumping off points." I LOVE that place. And I really love your projects! So inspirational!



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!