Thursday, September 27, 2012

Let's Celebrate

You know, I don't "stick with" things very well.  I'm not a creature of habit.  I'm not very disciplined.  But I have managed to stick with this blog for over four years and 1200 posts!!!  I'm kind of happy about that.  I hope you all are happy about it too!
I'm going to take a couple days off to put together a GIVEAWAY....just because I want to celebrate a little bit.  I sure hope you'll stop by to enter. 


  1. Dear Marie, I for sure am glad you sticks with us, and hope it continues maNY more years :-)
    Wish you a happy thursday!

  2. I'm very happpy you have stuck with blogging. Congrats on the years of sticktuitivness :)

  3. Marie, you know how much and how blessed I have been reading your blog. God is using your talents to share with many folks in blogland. Blessings, Pj

  4. 1200 posts? That's amazing! I always enjoy reading what you share. Thanks for always inspiring me with your humor, humanity, and creativity. Here's to 1200 more!

  5. My goodness, thats a HUGE amount of posts! Congratulations on 4 years of blogging. May there be many more.

  6. I for one I'm truly glad you managed to stick with your blog....what a blessing it has been to me dear friend:) Looking forward to your give away.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!