Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Extra Thankful......

Peggy guessed the right answer!! Charlotte is going to be a big sister and we are all so excited. A fifth "little" to love. Thank you Lord....we are so blessed!!
There's been two guesses and they're both perfect....just not "the right" answer for this. I think we need a hint. How about "think little"! Read the board.....
The past week has been a blur....something going on everyday! Errands on Wednesday, Turkey Day with the whole family,  Costco, Target & thrift stores on Black Friday, "hard tack candy" making on Saturday, church then leftovers with the whole family on Sunday, and finally a very busy insurance work day after a long weekend off on Monday (yeah...that was crazy!).
I didn't take many photos...although I will give you all a peek at the candy later this week.  The photo below was taken by Katie and shared on her Instagram....so I borrowed it.  It's a peek at the really large blackboard in her kitchen. She, Mark and Charlotte filled it up with things they're thankful for this year.  By the way, "gramma & grandpa" are in the lower left corner...can't believe Katie cropped us right out of the photo!! 
Love this blackboard full of thankfulness!  It just makes me happy!!
So in honor of me being happy...I say we have a little fun.  First comment that mentions "the something" I'm especially thankful for wins a little prize.   Maybe some of that candy I mentioned....maybe not.  I'm not sure what the prize will be, 'cause this was pretty spur of the moment.  
There's only one right answer...if you know me, you'll know what it is!
So read the board...and take a guess.....oh, and make it a happy day!


  1. Forgiveness and Grace? Love her idea of using the chalk board to
    list everything and having the visual reminder of so many things to be thankful for! Glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving and week-end.

  2. Wow... what busy days for you! Love the chalkboard and I know you share many of the listed blessings. I also know you love Jesus with all of your heart, so that would be my guess :)

  3. Ok, you said we could try again. Baby Palmer? Are we expecting a new "little"?

  4. Woo Hoo, another little, how exciting.
    Sounds like you had a very busy holiday weekend but I know you enjoyed ever single second of it


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!