Friday, December 28, 2012

My Faces of Christmas

We had a wonderful Christmas this year....inspite of Bill's crazy work schedule.  Some or all of my family was together beginning on Saturday straight through Christmas Day.  Joe read the story of Jesus' birth to our precious little ones, we had a fun time fellowshipping with and ministering to one another.  Gift giving was so special....the receiving was nice too! Everyone participated in the food preparation...and everything was yummy!  We did a little crafting....and lots of talking.
My only regret was we never took time from the fun to snap any group photos.  But I did get some good ones of "the littles" so that makes me happy.

Here's a peek at the faces that surrounded me this dear family....I love them all!

Elijah with Caleb's pacifier.

C'mon girls....just a little smile.


Christmas Eve cupcake.

Making a snowman.

Poor Caleb...he wasn't feeling good.

Love pomegranates!

Jacqi cooking some really excellent french toast.
Playing with the driedel.

Charlotte made a "gingerbread" house at school.
Plugged in....

They're all playing Angry Birds.

Doing a little crafting.

A Florida snowman.

She used every single sticker that she had.

A less ornate tree...simple and sweet.

Let the un-wrapping begin....

Caleb loved his stacking rings.

Elijah loved his hat.

Checking out the ornaments with her Daddy.

Jacqi crocheted crowns for Charlotte and her family.

G G Ma got Elijah some binoculars.

Reading a good book with momma.

The king sleeps......

The little guy eats...

Somebody's got to put together these toys!

Look at the pretty candy necklaces they made.

Fast asleep on Christmas Eve.....


  1. Oh Marie...what precious photos!!!! It looks like you all had a WONDERFUL Christmas together!!! Thank you so much for sharing them all with us...and those crocheted crowns are the SWEETEST ever!!! I just want to wish you a very happy and healthy new year sweet friend!!! hugs and love, Dawn

  2. These pictures sure tell a story of joy and wonderful for you and your "crew". I love the trees the kids decorated...a wonderful activity I will file away in my idea file. I send you the best wishes for a New Year filled with all of God's Richest Blessings. Thank you for your treasured friendship! (I hope you get my email) xoxo Joyce

  3. You are a beautiful family Marie....the love between you always shows in your pictures...blessings to all

  4. Definitely the best part of Christmas, all the happy faces! (except for poor caleb, hope he's feeling better now)Glad that you had such a wonderful Christmas!

  5. Love seeing each and every face! My favorite... the KING :) what a authentic KING he looks like too. I think I saw him in a history book. I made crocheted crowns too but none for the adults.

    A joy visiting with you all!

  6. Love all the shots, it looks like you had a wonderful time. The sleeping king made me laugh.

  7. Your Christmas celebration looks like such a wonderful family time full of love and memory-making! Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you have a wonderful new year!

  8. Looks like you had a WONDERFUL Christmas! Beautiful family --- and some beautiful French toast!

    (those knit crowns - so cool!)

    Happy New Year to you all,


  9. I loved every one of these glorious photos! Joy to you and a very happy New Year.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!