Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Wrapper

SPOILER ALERT:  To Katie, Mandy, Jacqi, Jo....and Joe.  No peeking at the last photo please!
Bill's Christmas job is wrapping the gifts for our children and grandchildren.  He loves doing it, and he's very good at it.  Big gifts, little gifts, in a box, not in a box.  He just has a knack for it.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how he wraps these gifts from my mother to her grandchildren and great grandchildren.  It's such a nice assortment of shapes!!!
Oh family!  Here comes the photo you don't want to peek at!


  1. Hee heee! He looks very intent. No wonder he is good. I hate doing the sides of the wrapping. I stink at it. My husband does much of the wrapping too!

    I love your hanging with the pewter cups. Can you post a picture of how it is hanging? I have some and have been looking for new ideas in how to decorate with them.

    Good shot of your husband though. Sooooo sorry I was distracted by pewter... :)


  2. What a guy! And, what wonderful photos. Candid shots really capture the personality and the ones most cherished. You are doing fantastic with that camera of yours.

    Sending wishes to a dear blogging friend for a joyous Christmas!

  3. Lucky you, Marie-
    my husbond never loved wrapping, so it is my job here :-)
    Great photoes, and so sweet.

  4. SO MUCH FUN right out there for them to see!
    I hate, hate wrapping things with long handles like that - your hubs must be a Wonderful Dear to take on the job!

    Merry Christmas,


  5. I'm the wrapper of our family and those goodies look like quite a challenge Marie!! I'm sure he will do a wonderful job...I wish you and your family a beautiful Christmas dear friend and a very happy and healthy New Year!!! Hugs and love, Dawn

  6. Those will be a challenge to wrap for sure. I wonder if I told my honey about Bill's wrapping, if that would inspire him to take over the job? Ha! A girl can hope!

  7. Now there's a keeper, a guy who likes to wrap presents. Can I hire him next year? I hate You'll have to get a picture of how he wraps those last ones


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