Friday, January 18, 2013

"His Space" by Becky

Every now and then the Lord leads me to a blog post that blesses me in an extra special way.  I was blessed yesterday when I read this blog post:  His space.   I've been reading Becky's blog for about a year.  In that year it's changed...she's changed.  The stuff she's writing is so good. Not that it wasn't good before...but now there's so much more meat in posts...I love reading them!
But it wasn't just this was also the comments.  Great posts generate some great responses.  I love reading the comments too.  There's so much wisdom and truth and encouragment in those comments.  Of course, once I read the comments I had to visit the blogs of those commenting.  More good stuff!  The Lord knows exactly what we need and He knows exactly when we need it. 
I am so grateful for that. 

Becky's writing has been so full of Him can read more
of her posts at Farmgirl Paints.  This next photo is from the bottom of her blog page.
I think the Lord is answering her prayer.



  1. I am going to visit Becky :) Thanks Marie.....blessings to you dear friend.

  2. One blog friend is always sure to lead to another. :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by from my mom's blog! She was so sweet to feature me I had no idea!! :)

  4. Thanks for sharing this. I enjoyed the honesty in her writing.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!