Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Disney Trip 2013

The first week of February my entire family (plus Katie's mum-in-law) went to Florida to visit the Mouse.  We've been planning and saving for this trip for two years!  I took more than 3000 pictures...sadly they didn't turn out as well as I hoped.  But I still got some fun photos to share.  I'm going to take my time doing that though.  Since most of them feature the four shortest people in our group, I've decided to feature them on regular grandbaby day!  Here's a few to get us started.
Here' s the whole bunch of us, including Katie's "mum-in-law" from England.  We were so blessed to be able to enjoy six full days and two half days staying at Walt Disney World.  This photo was taken on our final full day.....and look! Most of us are still smiling!!  We all had a good time. 
Look at Caleb trying to get a peek at Mickey.

Penelope, Elijah, and Charlotte had a great time. I know all the adults in our group wish they had half the energy that "the littles" do....and many of us wished we had a stroller to relax in when we didn't want to walk anymore. I was very happy that we had four strollers to choose from when I needed something to hold me up at the end of each day!!

This little guy was really enjoying one of the Disney parades.  I wasn't sure how he would react to all the characters.  Up close....he wasn't too sure.  But from a distance....he was VERY excited!!
Okay...that was 3 of 3000. Guess I best get back to editing!



  1. Beautiful Family! I can just imagine how much fun that was for all of you. Oh my, and think about the memories made!

  2. I've never been to Disney but I've always wanted to go. Love that last shot. so cute

  3. How very special to be all together for this very special trip. The all-inclusive family shot is great, especially with little Caleb peeking at Mickey :)


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!