Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Foiled....and Foiled Again.

April Fool's Day was yesterday.....I pretty much ignored the whole thing. 
But one of my daughters embraced the day whole-heartedly!! 
She (and my other daughter too) work for an insurance company as claim adjusters. 
They work in a gray cubicle jungle.
On Friday, as she was leaving work, she and a co-worker (they were both working the following Saturday) 
had a conversation with their boss (he wouldn't be working on Saturday).
It went something like this:
Katie: You know, Monday is April Fool's Day.
Kristin:  Yes, we should prank Adrianna, since she's not working tomorrow.
Eric (the boss): That sounds like a good idea!
Then Eric left for home.
Katie & Kristin looked at each other and said: "What a dummy!"
Then they got to work....pranking Eric!!
I borrowed these photos from Katie's Instagram...complete with her comments!
Mission accomplished. And that is why your boss shouldn't leave you in the office unsupervisored the Saturday
before April Fool's Day.  #wishwehadenoughtofoilpaperthedesk

Oh yeah... found a little more foil!

LOVE this photo!  Love the foiled wrapped laptop, monitor, phone (complete with headset and cord), box of donuts, and four little Matchbox cars.  Yes....even the boss gets to play with little cars while determining who is at fault for an accident and what, if anything, will be paid.  Bet he loved his shiny silver cars!  Good job Katie and Kristin!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!