Thursday, April 4, 2013

Strawberry Giveaway

I've been doing some purging lately....lots of it.  Soon my family will have a yard sale....a really big yard sale!  My daughters, daughters-in-law, and I  have decided we all have too much stuff.  As I've been sorting through my stuff I've been putting some things into my "blog giveaway" box.  Things that I thought some of my blogging friends might like...things that are small, lightweight, and easily mailed. I'll be sharing them with you, every now and then, throughout the Spring & Summer.
Here's my first offering.  Strawberries from Crate & Barrel.  I bought these after Christmas a few years back.  They were 70% off...that's why I bought them.  Sad to say....I've never used them. They've just sat in the Crate & Barrel box since they were purchased. Surely someone can make better use of them than I have. 
Please leave a comment here if you're interested in winning  6 shiny strawberries (about the size of a golf ball)....I found one more after I took these photos!  Maybe you can share your favorite way to eat strawberries in your comment....I like to eat mine just as they are. Plump, red and juicy! Yum!! 
I'll choose a winner next Thursday, April 11th.


  1. I love the way you have photographed them outside in the grass, they look good enough to eat! My DIL has started collecting red things for her kitchen, I think a little garland made with the strawberries would look great. So yes, I would love to win them :-)

  2. Hello - I wandered over from Turkey Feathers and couldn't resist entering your strawberry contest! I decorate my Christmas tree in vintage ornaments & even though these aren't vintage they sure would look pretty! My favorite way to serve strawberries is over Bisquik Shortbread with homemade whipped cream - I always serve this dessert on Father's Day for my Hubby.
    Smiles, DianeM :)

  3. Your strawberries are gorgeous, never saw the like in Denmark, they are so sweet,too, dear Marie.
    Here in Denmark we eat our new picked strawberries in a little bowl with cream, from the "bottle" (no cream or milk bottles in DK.anymore ,) oh now I know, milkcartons, they are called :-) and a tiny sugar on top...yummy .

  4. I need to do some purging too but a yard sale sounds like too much
    Those are cute strawberries. I agree that the best way to eat them is just as they are

  5. Your berries look so cute in the collendar. I hear you about downsizing and weeding out...we are starting to do the same thing here. I'm hoping to do a garage sale in early summer..we'll see how that plan comes together.

  6. I like mine with chocolate :)

  7. How about strawberry short cake :)

    Love your giveaway!

  8. they look good enough to eat! I like mine, rinsed,and then sugared just a tiny bit. Then allowed to chill, just scrumptious.

  9. Love the strawberries, they would look great on my Christmas tree. I love strawberries on angel food cake . Pj

  10. Que beleza,eu faria um arranjo para porta da minha cozinha.Quando criança na casa de minha avó,comia morangos com terra e tudo,sério...hoje lavo e como,gosto dos menos maduros,são mais


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!