Monday, April 22, 2013

The Lilacs Are Blooming.

Bill and I worked in the yard a bit on Saturday...and we spent some time admiring the pretty Lilacs.  We have a lot more blooms this year than we did last year.  But most of the blooms are about 3 feet above my head. It's time to contemplate a major pruning of this bush.    


  1. I love lilacs and their scent. I've never had much luck with growing them though. These are beautiful

  2. Those are drop-dead GORGEOUS!

    I can almost smell them through the screen...

  3. My three little lilac bushes are just starting to get green leaves, they haven't bloomed since the first two years they were planted! I am hoping to get some blossoms this year, I love the scent, one of my most favorite flowers. xo

  4. Seeing your photos brought back memories of my childhood. My Mother loved lilacs and we had purple and also white bushes. I loved to smell their fragrance through the open windows. Thanks for bringing that memory back.

  5. Nice flowers. It reminds me of warm summer. Here it is so cold, I almost forgot what flowers look like :)
    Thank you for sharing.

  6. My lilac here at the cottage in France is far from blossoming, Spring is really late this year. So I am thoroughly enjoying the beautiful photos of your lilac instead.

  7. I don't see any lilacs around here where I'm at. I never realized how pretty they are close up. It's nice to see all the Spring color isn't it? (even if there is yard work to be done. Ha!)

  8. They're so beautiful! Ours are just starting to bud... thank you for the peek as to what is just around the corner for us :)
    I can smell them... Mmmmm...


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