Monday, May 13, 2013

A Change of Space

Ever since Mandy moved into her own home over a year ago...I've been contemplating moving my craft room to her old room.  But given the amount of "stuff" I have, I wasn't quite sure how to tackle it.  But for the past couple weeks I've been working on sorting, organizing, and purging.  This room has been my craft room for about eight years....for six of those years it wasn't a very nice space.  Spring of 2011 marked it's new paint, new flooring, and a place for everything and everything in it's place.  I blogged about it HERE. 
The past two years has seen a lot of stuff added to this room, and my current sorting has taken a toll on the
"everything in it's place" plan.

As I sort through this space I'm trying to move (into the new space) only the things I plan to keep.
That makes for slow progress.  But I have managed to get through all my fabric, old sweaters, lace,
linens, and baby clothes...that's what's piled up here. 

The shelving unit that used to be here, has already been moved to the new room. Now I
can pile stuff here until I decide where it needs to go.

I honestly feel like this is going to take forever! 

Here's the new spot.  It's in the basement, and that window well offers the only natural light. 
We had two nice, bright light fixtures installed, plus I have some fun lamps that I'll be scattering about.

About that window well....I was working in this room Saturday night. I kept hearing a little thump
on the window.  Yep...toads!  Oh joy!  I love company while I'm creating. 

There's that shelving unit from upstairs.  I'm going to make this corner one of the spaces I store supplies. 
You can see the back of a dresser that used to be in my living room (it has the crate sitting on it). 
The dresser has three really nice, deep drawers in it. Great storage potential! 

This end is not quite finished.  We're putting in some "butcher block" counter top, and some track lighting. 
Curtains will cover the lower cabinets, and two shelves go into each of the side units on top of the counter.

I'm so excited to be moving down here, but it sure has been a lot of work, and there's still a lot more to do!  Forgive me if I neglect my blog every now and then. 
But I'll keep you posted on my progress. 


  1. It sure is a ton of work but you are making great progress. Your new room will be so nice for all of the lovely creating you do. :)

  2. Oh Marie,m what a work, but so satisfying when finished one day,soon!! You have almost as much stuff as I have -LOL-to move- how wonderful- and awful in the same time... I`m talking about me, hehe !!
    Your new room will be wonderful working in, when all have found it`s place !
    Happy hours making ready for many happy hours to come, dear!

  3. That does look like a big job but what a great room to be moving in to.

  4. This is so funny. We always say that lots of things in our lives are similar...I started in the basement (and ours is an unfinished basement) when it occured to me that with a four bedroom house and only 2 of living here...I could move on up to one of the spare bedrooms. It is a lot of work to move and I swear that crafting supplies multiply after we go to sleep at night. I just did a major clean up...I need to post before and afters.
    Good luck...if we lived closer, I'd be happy to lend a hand!
    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day with your bunch. It was quiet here, but that's OK.

  5. I keep telling you... I can come over anytime to help! Just tell me when!

  6. That room has such potential. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  7. Now that's my kind of project! I think I re-arrange my "project" room more than any other in the house. Take your time and enjoy the process. The new space will be amazing when it's completed.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!