Thursday, May 16, 2013

Back Yard Visitors

When I got home from work on Tuesday, Bill was working in the yard.  I went out to say hello, but instead said "Did you know that there's a duck in our yard?" 
He said, "Actually, there are two ducks in our yard". 

We haven't opened our pool it looks a bit like a pond I guess. 
The ducks seemed to enjoy their little swim!

Mr. Duck entered the pool at the deep end, where the cover slopes into the pool. 
He slid right in!

And then they were done.  They flew off quickly.  I missed Mr. Duck's departure. 
The pool cover is coming off soon, so I doubt we'll see them again.


  1. Well how about that you had your first pool party of the That is too funny and how fun it must have been to watch them

  2. So fun.
    I just got some of my very own ducks.
    Woolie Hugs

  3. How wonderful a visit dear Marie- they surely enjoyed the water , for a fast swim , and then off to other quarters :-)
    Aren`t you glad you was home in time for photoes !!
    Hugs and love,Dorthe

  4. This is fun! My parents had a pair of geese in their backyard for a while this spring! Nature in on your own doorstep!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!