Friday, June 21, 2013

Flowers & the Thrift Store

The flowers are blooming in my yard!  I don't have much of a green thumb, but each Spring and early Summer my plants put on a nice show for me.  This year there are a lot of blooms and the colors are wonderful!  If only they would last.......

We're making some major changes in the yard this include a new deck and pergola. I've been gathering some treasures to use on the deck....and here's my newest find!  A new (to me) plant stand that I found at the thrift store last night.
It's the perfect spot for pots of colorful flowers...and when the real ones die, well I'm probably okay with using "fake flowers" outside too!

There's a little dent on the right side of the middle shelf....but Bill said he can fix that.

Now I just need to decide if it needs a coat of some nice, bright paint!  What do you think?


  1. Great find! And I vote that it gets a fresh coat of paint. Maybe turquoise?

  2. Oh, so much prettiness! I love your flowers!!! What are those sweet yellow ones with the wispy foliage? And the day lily looks like one called Mildred. Cute plant stand :) Your yard plans are so exciting!

  3. For not having a green thumb you sure do have some pretty flowers.
    I say definitely a nice bright color on that plant stand. Good find.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!