Monday, July 1, 2013

Birthday Blessings 1

I had a birthday a few weeks ago....and I received so many special treasures! 
Thought I'd share some photos of them this week.
A box filled with pretty packages arrived from my blog friend Joyce from Scrap For Joy
She and I have been friends since I started my blog back in 2008.  SOMEDAY we're going to meet in person too!

I love all the extra little touches she adds to her packages!

Isn't this card great!  The day after I received this gift, Katie pointed out a sign in a shop that had
the exact same quote on it.  Very cute napkins too!
Joyce makes the cutest things...this is already hanging
in my new craft space.

Honestly...this candle makes my room smell like there's a Lilac bush, full of blooms, 
growing in the corner.....just wonderful!

Here we have that "little cup of fun".....actually two the pink fringe spilling out of it!

I also love all the tiny images and cut-outs tucked inside.

My favorite cut-out is this red bird.  I can't wait to use it....I know just where it's going to go!!

Joyce....I am blessed to call you friend.  You've met me in person, and we've only talked with each other once.  But you know what I like so very well!  Thank you for your friendship and for all these special gifts. Most of all, thank you for the prayers you say on my means the world to me!!


  1. Happy belated birthday dear Marie ,
    you recieved so many wonderful gifts from your friend... and they were all packed so beautifully !!

  2. It is easy to chose things for you dear much of what you like, I like, too! Your photos make everything look better than it is :-) I really hope we can get together before too long...maybe meet at an Antique event...or The Cottage. We'll make it happen!!! Thank you for your kind words..your friendship means so much to me.
    Hope this next year is a good one for you!
    (Even the photo of the little red bird in the paper cup is cute...if you want more of them, just let me know...birds, that is)

  3. Happy Belated birthday Marie. I think I have that same vintage sheet you used as your background. What delightful gifts you received. Love the ice cream cups filled with little pieces of sweetness. You must have had fun going through each piece. ~ Abby

  4. happy belated birthday and what a wonderful package. Filled with so many sweet things.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!