Thursday, July 11, 2013

Like Father, Like Son.

Elijah has been going to day camp this week.....he's been very busy, and he's been enjoying every minute! 
Today he put his whole face in the water....great job Elijah!! 
He had a busy, exciting day and all he wanted to do was relax with a good book.  Plus he wasn't feeling 100%, so a little down time was needed. 

Poor little guy...he was so worn-out. He fell asleep sitting up AND reading!  How sweet is this!!
(photos of Elijah borrowed from Joe & Jo's Facebook)

These photos of Elijah reminded me of photos of Joe that I've shared before.  

Here he is with Kevin. This is right after bath time, and during snack time.  Kevin's grinning because Joe fell asleep without finishing his snack bar.  Kevin is almost done with his (notice it in his left hand). 
He knows he'll get to eat Joe's!

This is Joe in time-out ~ complete with timer.   He was sitting there while I was in the kitchen.  When the timer went off, this is what I found.  I have a side view of this photo shows that there's about a 12 inch gap between the trunk and the couch.  He was just "hanging out".....sound asleep!


  1. What a cute post! Kids never want to "give in" and just say they're tired so this often happens.....then, when you're in your 60's, it happens again. Love the time out picture!

  2. now isn't that cute. Looks like Elijah and Joe have something in common :)

  3. My goodness he is a cutie pie.
    Hope he is feeling better.
    Woolie Blessings

  4. ******giggles!!!!!!!***********

    cracking up here at how precious these pics are. your home must be soooooo comfortable!!!



Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!