Monday, August 19, 2013

Prayers Answered

Sometimes God gives us difficult things to understand.
We pray and pray and pray, and it seems like He doesn't answer.  
Or it seems like the answer is wrong.  
But He always answers, and He's never wrong.
Sometimes it's just a different answer than what we hoped for.
I received some sad news yesterday morning.  Kind of surprising and yet, not totally unexpected news.  But really sad, definitely unwanted, news.  I've had some time to digest it, and time to remember that God's plan for His people, for His church if you will, is good, and when we entrust that to Him we can experience peace, and even happiness, in the situation.  Prayers will continue, some the same and some different. 
 God will continue to hear them...and to answer them. 
In His way and in His time. 

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord,
thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.
Jeremiah 29:11


  1. So sorry to hear you had sad news. I'm sending you a few prayers to make it through to better days

  2. Marie, I so needed to read this today. I am sorry that you also received some sad news, as I did, both Friday and Saturday. But I also remembered that I have God in my corner. I will continue my prayers, altering them of course for two things. xo

  3. Dear Friend,
    I am sorry that you have a heavy heart...whatever the sadness is, I hope that you feel our dear Lord's loving arms encircling you with love and understanding.
    You are in my prayers always.

  4. Dear Marie,
    I will think about you, and hope you can,with the help of God, soon feel better again-
    Sad tidings are very difficult to accept and difficult to understand my dear!!

  5. Sometimes in our loss for understanding He reveals himself the most. Lifting you up in prayer.

  6. Oh, No! I hate to read this, but I'm so glad that your are safe in the Master's hand!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!