Thursday, September 26, 2013

A Little Creating

Our yard sale is a week from Saturday. We've sorted through everything
and now I just need to stick some price tags on all of it. 
I plan on doing that this coming weekend. 
In between sorting I managed to fit in a little bit of creating.
I finally finished the pincushions I started weeks ago. 
I made five of the little goblet style and I also made one using a very
cute little aluminum pot.  I think it's my favorite!

These rocks from my yard are now fun photo holders.
I was inspired by one I saw in Pennsylvania ~ I've also seen them on Pinterest. 
Here's one incorporating a clothespin.
These Scripture Stones were fun to make...I'm hoping to
make a lot more of these!

Guess what?  There are only 90 days until Christmas ~ and way less
than that many to my first arts & crafts show!
Once our yard sale is history ~ I need to get busy making things!! 
How about you?
What are you busy with these days?


  1. I love your pin cushions and nice way to turn those rocks into something useful.
    I can't believe we are that close to Christmas already

  2. Your pin cushions came out beautifully! The photo holders are nifty, too. you are wise to squeeze some crafting in when you can. Good luck with your yard sale...lots of work but so satisfying when it goes well.
    Why is it that when we have the most to do more stuff that needs to be done keeps piling on? My big show is Nov 1 & 2 and for a while I thought I was ahead but now I'm starting to feel overwhelmed!

  3. Love your style and the sweet creations you come up with. Not sure I can choose a favorite ~ love them all!

  4. The pin cushion made out of the aluminum pot is my favorite of the bunch. It looks like it was made for a serious crafter with a ton of pins.

  5. You are soooooo creative! I love the scripture stones! Oh yes, busy, busy here with getting things into the 3 stores I sell at. But sending you lots of love and happy fall wishes!


  6. The embellishments you chose for the goblets are perfect. They added just the right touch. I love what you did with the rocks. Wishing you much success with the garage sale. (And did you have to mention Christmas?...I can't believe it's so close!)

  7. Those goblets are the coolest!

    Who could go wrong buying a scripture stone?




Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!