Monday, September 9, 2013

It needed a Little Color.

Charlotte started kindergarten this year.  Her momma or daddy drive her to school each morning.  They also drive her neighbor, Dominic.  Dominic also started kindergarten this year.  His mother will be driving them home a couple a days a week.  Grandpa (Bill) will be driving them on the days she can't.
So Grandpa needed a car seat for his car, and Katie bought this one for him to use.  It was available in pink and gray, and black and gray.  Katie opted for the black and gray...thinking it was a bit more gender neutral.
internet photo
Charlotte was not a fan....not at all!  She told us that it was a boy's car seat and she really didn't want to ride in it.  We removed the infant inserts - the black head rest and seat insert - hoping less black would help.  But Charlotte wasn't convinced.  So....I suggested that she and I go browse around in the craft room and find some things to make it a little more appealing.
She found a lot of things that she wanted to add...including some pink pom-pom trim, pink & white daisies, rick-rack, and all kinds of stickers.

Charlotte laid out her design....and then (after she went home) Gramma edited it a little bit.  Here's what we ended up with:
Subtle....but the all important "girly" pink has been added!

I sewed on the rick-rack and flowers along the top...and Charlotte added the pink sticker.

The bling placement is all Charlotte...pretty perfect I think!

A pink's twin is on the other side.
Grandpa will be picking her up today...hopefully the "pinkified" car seat is a hit!!


  1. cute story and nice refashion on the car seat.

  2. How sweet Marie, yes thet know exatly what they want--or not
    Such a great grandma idea- and turned out sweet !!

  3. Looks like Gramma made it ALL better! :)

  4. Isn't it funny how kids decide on what's "girl" or "boy" stuff! I love Charlotte's new's a one-of-a-kind original created by a loving Grandmom! When the boys were here, Miles would not co,or in a Hello, Kitty coloring book because it was for girls! He's 2 1/2....what does he know about that? Thankfully I also had an angry birds book. Gheesh!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!