Friday, November 29, 2013

A Few of my Favorite Things

These are as few of my favorite little creations for this year's craft shows.
I'm very partial to red & green, Christmas trees, and snowmen!
These photos make me happy!!

Sure hope you have a wonderful day today!
My plan is to decorate, shop online a bit, and (maybe) venture out into the
madness that is called "Black Friday"!
How about you?  Will you be joining in the "madness"?


  1. Oooh, the spool snowmen are so adorable!

  2. Good Morning,
    I agree...the little snowmen are darling!

    We are going out in a little bit, midmorning or so. I hope all the crazies are at home back in bed by then!

    Have a fabulous Friday. Take care ~Natalie

  3. No madness for me. I had to work today and wouldn't go near a store if you paid me :)
    Love these creations. I've been looking in the thrift shops for a red truck but so far no luck. I really like that one

  4. They are wonderful all, dear Marie, so love the little trees on spools,
    sweet and cute.
    Hugs, Dorthe


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!