Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Craft Show #2

I have another craft show coming up this Saturday.  Here's
a peek at some things that I'll be bringing to the show.

A little Christmas scene...made from odds and ends of stuff.

Matchbox scenes - I love making these. I'm just not sure what to do with all the matches!!

These each started out as a little white canvas. I ripped off the canvas and covered them in
sheet music, added a bird scene, and one of my wire nests.

Art board - Don't they look happy!?

These were old furniture casters...now they're...hmmmm.
Paperweights maybe.
The things I like most about this show:
1) No stress beforehand. It's all about selling the leftovers from the November show.
2) It's a nice opportunity to sit around and visit with friends.
3) They have a 'cookie patch' at this show. Yum!

There are a lot of craft shows going on in my area the next few weeks. 
The Barn Show is one I'd especially like to visit.
How about in your neck of the woods?  Any shows you'll be going to?


  1. Sweet creations! It's show season! Love it! ~*~Lisa

  2. I love all your creations. Suggestion for the matches, google burt match crafts. I've seen some beautiful crosses made with them.
    Enjoy the craft show.

  3. I actually haven't seen any craft shows advertised around here. That's unusual but the weather has been cold, rainy and just plain nasty! I love the little bird frames and that Be Happy board made me laugh. Good Luck with the show.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!