Monday, November 4, 2013


I haven't taken time to decorate for Fall in my house this year. I probably won't at this point.
It's almost time to get the Christmas stuff out!
I did decorate at the office a tiny bit.  Here's a peek!
An acorn picnic on my desk.

My newest squirrel ...he's a cutie, don't ya think?

A 'thankful' teddy and a fall bouquet!

Here's Hank - My boss loves when we mess
with the deer head. No, not really!
It's almost nice to come to work on a Monday around here....almost!


  1. I like all your fall decorations. I didn't do much at home and nothing at work. Where I work if you leave it lay around someone is likely to take it.

  2. Good Morning, Marie,
    I enjoyed looking at your decor...I especially like the squirrel. And I laughed out loud when I saw the garland on the deer head. I'm sure my hubby would feel the same way!!

    Have a Marvelous Monday. ~Natalie

  3. Morning
    Oh to fun.
    I need to mess with hubbys deer heads too.
    Woolie Hugs

  4. Hank made me laugh. I can only imagine some of the other decorations he's worn around those antlers:-) Thanks for sharing your sweet fall office decor.

  5. Torturing the boss again eh? Love the squirrels. I always know when fall is here because the squirrels start running across our roof in the mornings.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!