Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Sleeping Lulu

Last week I took an extra day off of work so I could babysit for Lulu. 
So I had all day to take photos!

Aren't baby hands amazing!

Lulu and I did a lot of sleeping that day....both of us weren't feeling well. 
It was a good reason to cuddle!


  1. Very precious Marie, hope you are both feeling better, Kathryn. x

  2. A day off from work is always good. A day off and getting to spend it with someone as sweet as Lulu, well that's just extra special.
    Hope both of you are feeling better

  3. LuLu just grows more beautiful each month! Yes, baby hands are so sweet so are their cute little feet and toes. Pj

  4. Aww, how could you stand to set her down for just a moment to take the pictures? I'd be holding her every precious moment. :) What a doll!

  5. So sweet. Hope you're both feeling better!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!