Monday, January 13, 2014

Gratitude Jar

Isn't this a great idea!  I've seen variations of it all over Pinterest.  The idea is to add a note, a little scribble, a picture, ticket stub, receipt, etc, to the jar each day. Or every other day, or once a week. Whatever works for you. Whatever gets you in the habit of thinking about your day, or your week, or your life. The goal being to find something to be grateful for, something special, something convicting, something that blesses your heart.  Then when the year is over you get to look through the things in the jar, and see what the past year has been like.  Hopefully what's in that jar will bring a smile to your face and joy to your heart.

Here's the jar I'll be's a 1/2 gallon, vintage Blue Ball jar, with a zinc lid. 
I've had it a long time and I'm delighted to find a good use for it.  

I have squares of note paper ready for memories, words of praise and thanksgiving, quotes of inspiration,  & cute sayings from the little ones in my life. Plus I'll add mementos from the special moments that 2014 is sure to hold.  Now, I'm not wishing this year away....but I am excited to see what this jar holds at the end of it!!

"Great is his faithfulness; his loving-kindness begins afresh each day."
Lamentations 3:23


  1. Great idea, I think you will need a larger container! Pj

  2. I've seen this one too, Marie, and I think it's a great exercise to remember your blessings. I should do that even though it's already the 13th. Never too late to be grateful!
    Readers Digest Condensed Books! I remember when my parents would get them in the mail. I loved to read through them. Wonder if they're still around?
    Have a Happy Week! On Saturday, we will be in Northern VA visiting friends so I'm sure I'll end up at The Cottage in Leesburg and maybe Lucketts on our way to Eric and Jane's on Sunday.

  3. great idea. I'm not good at keeping up with things like that but I know your jar is going to be filled to the brim with wonderful memories

  4. My daughter just made one of these! I hadn't heard of it before. Great idea for sure! Thanks for sharing (your grandbabies are so cute!) ~*~Lisa


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!