Thursday, February 13, 2014

My Mom's Visit

I can't believe my mom has been here almost a week already.  She heads for home on Saturday.
We had family fun on Sunday, and she and Bill relaxed Monday while I went to work. On Tuesday, Katie, Mandy and Bill joined my mom and I for a drive to Frederick, MD. We visited an antique mall and a couple thrift stores, and had a great lunch at Brewer's Alley.  Yesterday was a Scrabble day...and lunch at Costco. Sure can't beat $1.59 for lunch!!

This is the room she stays in...and this is also where I put one of those $20.00 quilts I shared with you.  The colors are absolutely perfect in here!!  I love this's so cheerful!

One of my favorite displays in this room is hanging on the wall.
Six little statues all in a row.  We added the six statue about a month ago. I love this little display!!

Jacqi made the cute little coaster for me.  It's the perfect spot for a bedside drink.

Mandy arranged the flowers for her gramma.

It's nice to have a guest in the guest room....especially when it's my mother.
Hope Saturday doesn't come too quickly!!



  1. it sounds like you are enjoying your moms visit so far. A $1.59 lunch would make me happy.

  2. Your guest room is the cheeriest, most welcoming place....I'm sure your Mom feels very happy in this room. It's always hard to squeeze a year's worth of visiting into one week.
    Every time we get a chance to peek at things in your home I see something familiar. The little pink sugar bowl, I think, is Hazel Atlas, and was my childhood play dish set. I love to see things from my childhood...a sure sign that I'm getting older!
    Hope you're surviving this weather...I really don't like it anymore at all!!

  3. The room is darling. I love the colors and the cheerful accents. So nice to hear about your mom's visit. I'm sure you miss her already.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!