Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Caleb...Wonderfully Made

Look at this sweet little family! 
Nothing makes Joe and Johanna happier than spending time with their boys!  
This photo is from last's at Red Robin. 
It was a fun evening...good burgers and time spent with my favorite little redheads!

This is Caleb. He'll be three years old in July.
He is such a sweet boy...and oh, so cute! 
He's one of the happiest little guys I've ever met. 
When he laughs it's a deep in his belly kind of laugh! 
You can't help but join in when you hear it!
He has beautiful red hair.
He has soulful brown eyes.
He has dimples on his little hands.

He loves french fries.
He loves Llama Drama.
He loves his mommy and daddy.

He's loved....John 3:16.
He's chosen...I Thessalonians 1:4.
He's blessed...Galatians 3:9.
He's victorious...Revelation 12:11.
He's fearfully and wonderfully made...Psalm 139:14.
He's forgiven...Ephesians 1:7.
He's a child of God...made in His image.
He has my heart.

He has Autism.
This is pretty new for all of us.
The original diagnosis was made about 9 months ago.
Last week Caleb went through additional evaluations at the
Kennedy Krieger Institute and the diagnosis was confirmed.
We're all still processing this news.

He's non-verbal right now.
But not being able to speak isn't the same as not having something to say. 
He's learning to get his point across to others.
As you can see....I was obviously boring him! 
Please keep Caleb, Elijah, Johanna, and Joe in your prayers.
It's quite an adventure that they're's new, it's a little bit scary...but it's exactly
the adventure that God knew they would be going on. 
 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you
and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
Jeremiah 29:11


  1. Lifting all in in the Lord. They found it eatly that is a blessing. So much more can be done these days when it is diagnosed early.

  2. I am not sur how I stumbled onto your blog but loved how you described Caleb! I am a mother of a special needs daughter who has a lot of autism characteristics mixed in. I know you all have a team of people providing services but a must is to educate yourselves. You will be Caleb's main advocate . An old but insightful book to read is 'Dibs in search of Self'. Being non verbal has nothing to do with ones intelligence. Look up and study augmentative devices. These come in many developmental levels and most insurance companies will cover them. They open up a whole new world for a non verbal child. I bring it up because not all speech therapists work with them so they might not suggest them. One that is very good is the delta talker. My prayers are with Caleb and your family.

  3. He is beautiful and perfect. My daughter also has special needs with many behaviors on the autism spectrum. She has touched so many hearts in her own unique way, and I am honored and incredibly blessed to be her mother. I will certainly keep their beautiful family in my prayers, Marie. And YOU too!

  4. Bless his little heart. He has the sweetest face. With the abundance of love and faith in your family I have no doubt that Caleb will thrive

  5. He certainly is Wonderfully Made and God knew the perfect family to place him with! It's no secret how much his grandma loves him! I will pray for all of you, knowing that the Lord will do great and mighty things through this journey.

  6. This post is one of the most inspiring and loving tributes I've read about anyone. Caleb is wonderfully made and he is blessed with a family in search of the best way to help him along the path of life. My prayers are always with you dear friend, and your family, too. God has blessed Caleb and will continue to do so.

  7. Praying for all of you....God is able....I know you know this too...he has a plan for little sweet Cabeb,and for his family. His life will bring God much glory....blessings to you my dear friend


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!