Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Muddy Feet

  The warmer weather is coming eventually. 
Do you know that it snowed here...two weeks ago Sunday. This past Sunday the temperature climbed to 82 degrees, it rained all day yesterday, temps dropped into the 20s last night, and for the next three days we'll have high temps in the low 50s. 
But the warmer weather IS coming, and I want to be prepared.

Pinterest is the best place to find fun activities to do with the little people. 
I've found a bunch of things to do with or for them. 
You can see my "Grandbaby" pin boards HERE and HERE
I've gathered together lots of fun ideas - at least I think they're fun!  Hopefully they will too.
Here's a few of my favorites!

I REALLY LOVE this next may take a little talking to convince Bill that our yard needs something like this in it.  You can read all about the Mud Kitchen HERE.  My granddaughters would think this was the best thing ever....not sure if Elijah would. He likes to be clean!!

But these two little girls think mud is fun!!!

Muddy Feet


  1. Those are all great ideas. The rock caterpillar is so cute and the mud kitchen sounds like fun to me.
    We got snow here after having summer like temperatures for 3 days.

  2. Can I come to your house and make a rock caterpillar? That is the cutest! Your posts are always delightful to the cute muddy feet!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!