Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Happy Birthday x 2!

Today this sweet girl is six!!
Happy Birthday to Charlotte!!

Last Saturday, she and her little sister Lulu had a birthday party at their house. Momma (Katie) loves to plan parties for her girls and this time was no exception!

Bet you can't guess the theme!  It's all about pink and flamingos!
Even Fletcher joined in the fun. I love his pink flamingo outfit!!

There were photos of each of the girls, from the past year.  
Charlotte on the left and Lulu on the right.

The cake was yummy...white cake with raspberry filling, plus raspberries mixed into the frosting, and pink flamingo swizzle sticks on top.  
There were Pink Peeps (aka "sitting flamingos") too!

There were flamingos everywhere!


Lulu loved her share of the balloons!

Hand print flamingos were the planned craft....not all crafts came out as planned. 
But they all came out beautiful!

Everyone was encouraged to wear pink (or orange if you thought you were too manly for pink). I love that everyone joined in.  Katie and Mark have a yard made for playing in...and that's exactly what everyone did!  Dodge ball, a tunnel and castles, a pinata, and lots of balls.  The "littles" ate their dinner on the blankets that were spread out on the lawn.

At one point during the party, Charlotte went inside and returned dressed as "an old lady"...complete with cane. She said the boys were bugging her, and she knew 
they wouldn't bug an old lady!  She's such a hoot!

There's that cake again...Yum! 
(Yes, that's me with the camera. Thanks for this photo Katie...I think!)

After the cake, both of the girls opened their gifts! So many fun things!! 
(flamingo glasses were one of the party favors...of course!)  

Charlotte said that a Flamingo party was just what she wanted!!  She had the very best time!!
Tonight she is going out for dinner to celebrate her actual birthday. She got to choose where.  Her choice.....Arbys!
She's such a fun little girl!!  Actually (her favorite word right now) I guess she's really not so little...she's growing up way to fast!!  I love you sweet girl!!

Today is also my son Kevin's birthday.
(poor guy, doesn't even get his own blog post!)

For six years now, he has shared his birthday with Charlotte. 
He's such a good uncle!!
He's also a pretty nice son!!
I hope you have a wonderful day Kevin!
Love you lots!!


  1. Happy Birthday to both of them.
    I have to say that Katie is awesome at putting a party together. I think she should be a professional party planner

  2. First of all..I hope you are doing well after cataract #2!
    Secondly...I agree with Ann. Katie should be a party planner...she is so creative and inventive! Your family's parties are always the most fun! You can never under estimate the importance of cousins. When I was little and my whole family lived in Philadelphia, parties always included all of the cousins. Now that we're grown and scattered, we hardly ever see each other.
    Lastly, I'd like to apply for adoption into your all sure know how to have a good time!!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!