Monday, May 5, 2014


Bill and I had a lovely weekend.  We got to spend time with some of our family and we got to see a bit of the beauty of God's creation.  What could be better than that!

We were dropping Katie and Lulu off at their home, and as soon as we stepped out of the car we saw this rainbow.  Actually there are two...can you see the faint one up above?

A beautiful, full rainbow...with the sun shining and all the pretty blossoms on the trees!  Mark grabbed an umbrella and Charlotte, and then headed over to get the little boy next door.  Both of the children loved seeing the rainbow!

Katie and Mark have some really lovely trees in their neighborhood.  I wish I had gotten some close-ups of these beautiful white and pink ones.

They have a very pretty front yard as well.  The rain knocked most of the blossoms onto the the bright, pink carpet they created!

Sweet Lulu was pretty happy about it all too!

Stay tuned for more photos from our fun Saturday!!


  1. The rainbow is a perfect backdrop for the beautiful flowering tree!

  2. WOW - so beautiful! Glad you captured a bit of its wonder to keep.



  3. Oh man, the should-be-patented Lu is going to eat you face. :)

  4. That rainbow is gorgeous and those pictures are awesome. Glad you had a great weekend

  5. Beautiful photos. Marie! The rainbows and the trees...we love Spring! Lulu is a cutie for sure!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!