Tuesday, June 10, 2014

It's Growing....

I know....I seem to be hung up on taking photos in my backyard.  It's a good growing year, and I want to remember it.  Chances are it may never happen again!!
We're putting in several new beds.  Here's a peek at a sloped area I'm working on.  My goal is too remove all the grass and fill it in with rocks and ground cover.  I really love the pretty little flowers on this Moss Rose.

I have two baskets of  Calibrachoa hanging around. The tag called these "Zany, mandarin orange flowers on a good strong plant".  I need a little zany in my garden!

I just can't get enough of my New Dawn roses...aren't they beautifully fluffy!!

The Day Lilies are growing like crazy...pretty soon Rusty won't be able to see the pool.

Coreopsis in the background and a pretty planter full of a variety of plants. In between is our crazy Sweet Autumn Clemetis.  It grows like crazy, and come September it will be a mass of white blooms.

A pot of New Guinea Impatiens that Mandy gave me for Mother's Day hangs from our pergola.  I love our pergola!

Lettuce.....eat salad.  In about four weeks. Yum!

Here's another area we're working on this year. It's under the Oak tree...moss loves to grow here.  Because of the tree roots it's difficult to dig a hole to plant anything large in. Bill built this little raised area for the new Limelight Hydrangea we just bought. Perfect solution.  We're not sure where the tiny evergreen came from...but he rescued it and we'll find it a new home.  

I sure am enjoying this beautiful spring in my backyard!

1 comment:

  1. with all that going on in your yard how can you not be out there taking pictures. It all looks so pretty. I love the hanging baskets with those orange flowers.


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