Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Busy Weekend

My weekend went by so quickly....here it is already Tuesday evening and I'm finally taking some time to do a blog post.  Hopefully I'll spend a bit of time visiting my favorite blogs too!
On Saturday I went to a couple thrift stores....one of my favorite things to do!  But I've been having some difficulties with my eyes since my cataract surgery.  Fluorescent lights really bother me...and one of the stores had some really bright ones! My eyes were so tired and I had such a headache after shopping...so I opted to stay off the computer for the rest of the weekend.
Here's a look at some of my treasures...I think they were worth the headache.  Maybe....
Here's a peek in my shopping cart at the first stop.  A Pyrex bowl for Mandy, a coffee mug for Katie, a very cute t-shirt for Lulu, and a pair of brass cranes for Bill's bookcases.  The pair of butterflies will get a paint job...look at all the ideas for them on Pinterest!  I love the glass jar with the red tulips on it.  It was made by the Hazel Atlas company in the 60s...and was originally sold filled with cream cheese. Here's a look at a couple of them on Etsy.
At stop number two I found some pretty little saucers (missing their cups), a wonderful old wooden bowl, and a big hoop.  I'm thinking about "planting" the saucers in my garden.  The wooden bowl might get a coat of paint....look how cute these bowls are!  I'm not sure what I'll be doing with the hoop...there are SO MANY ideas to choose from!!

On Saturday, I spent some time in my craft room too.  Did a little tidying up, and a little re-arranging.  Look at this display of pretty paint colors...it was hard to resist doing a little painting.

I only resisted until Sunday....everything needs another coat or two, but progress has been made. These are such fun colors!!

These photos were taken with my phone...I'll have to remember to use my camera when I take photos of the finished products!


  1. Praying for your eyes to clear up. Glad your creating again. Love your creations. Pj

  2. Sorry to hear about the eye problems. Maybe some dark glasses for when you go thrift shopping?
    Love all your finds and the paint colors are great. Nice and happy

  3. Such fun going on a thrift store adventure. You found some good stuff too. I'm sorry your eyes are still troubling you.....praying about that now......blessings friend Happy belated birthday to sweet Caleb.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!