Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Weekend Wedding and Prayer Request

Katie and Mandy's friends got married last Sunday. 
I borrowed some photos from their Instagrams to share here.

Charlotte has a WONDERFUL time...she kept her heels on until the end of the evening.  
My favorite photos of the bride and groom.  A peek at Mandy's bridesmaid bouquet.

Breakfast for dinner is always yummy!  The cake...and Mickey & Minnie too. 
People always ask my daughters if they're twins. I just never got that...until this photo!  
Charlotte (and family friend Joe) LOVED the sausage meatballs!

While they were enjoying the wedding, I was enjoying this little one.  
Lulu spent the evening with Bill and I at our home.  
She was such a good girl..and she kept us completely amused!

This baby can eat!  Corn, zucchini, celery and red onions...two plates full!  
Plus the bowl of blueberries.  They're her very favorite.

This was the end result...after all the eating and playing that she did.  
I love how babies sleep...especially when their little bottom sticks up in the air!
Sweet girl!!  Lucky Gramma and Grandpa!

I'm not sure how often I'll be posting for a bit.
My eyes have not quite recovered from my cataract surgery.  I work on a computer all day, spending time on it outside the office has proven to be just too  much.  I have a lot of sensitivity to light, burning, and tearing. Plus my eyes are just so tired.
I may continue to resort to simple posts using photos borrowed from my families' Facebook and Instagram feeds....or from my own Instagram.
Sure would appreciate prayers for complete healing for my eyes!!

Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. Aw, what a little sweetie Lulu is.
    That would be tough working on a computer all day especially after the eye surgery.
    You've got prayers coming your way.

  2. Marie, do take good care of your eyes. Without them, like would be so terrible.

    I loved seeing the photos you shared and yes, your girls do look a lot alike.

    Precious, precious sleeping photos! A little angel, and lucky you.

    God bless you and get you all better!!!

  3. So sweet.....precious baby. Blessings my sweet

  4. Well, my friend, I just had the best time scrolling through many of your posts catching up on so much I have missed here on your lovely blog. Just loved the photos of your adorable grandchildren. The out-takes are so fun too! Your daughters are beautiful and I also think they look so much alike.

  5. You are already in my daily prayers but I will step it up. Needing cataract surgery is driving me crazy right now and I know you understand. That will be first on my list when we move. I always love your family photos...LuLu is a really good eater!


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!