Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Ain't Life Grand!

I borrowed some photos from the Instagram feeds of Katie, Joe, and Johanna; and from Jacqi's Facebook page.  I love visiting's the best place to see some really adorable kids!
Lots of fun for the "littles" the past couple weeks!

Charlotte on her first day of 1st grade...showing off her toothy grin!

Caleb visited the State Fair on he is cruising in a banana!

Elijah went to the fair too!  Look at all the stuffed animals he won!

Lulu knows the importance of exercise....she loves her giraffe cycle!
Fletcher loves beets, Penelope loves the Tire park, and yes, they definitely
look like brother and sister!

I am so grateful to have these sweet children in my life!


  1. It was so nice tonight to catch up with you. I've been on a blog vacation for a couple of months, just needed a break. I can't believe how your "littles" have grown. You are certainly blessed! Seems like you've had a busy summer with lots of fun and adventures! (Well, maybe except for the eye surgery. I hope that's all better!) Have a wonderful week!

  2. what a sweet post. Maybe Lulu can inspire me to start exercising :)
    That's some load of stuffed animals that Elijah won

  3. Blessed indeed. I have loved watching them grow. Huggs sweet friend


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!