Monday, November 24, 2014

Random Monday Memory - Revisited

I originally shared this post back in October of 2008..the very first year I was blogging.
Since Thanksgiving is just days away I thought it would be fun to share it again.
Beside the fact that I'm out of new blog material right now, and
I've been busy making things for a craft show that's about three weeks away!


Who: Three of my children
What: Eating dinner with bags on their heads
When: Thanksgiving Day 2003
Where: My dining room
Why: I don't know

This was the first Thanksgiving that all four of my children weren't home for dinner. Joe was with his wife (then his fiancee) and her family at their house. Kevin, Katie and Amanda were so sad at not having Joe at the table with them ~ obviously it was more than they could face! Soon to be son-in-law Mark was also at the table. He wore no bag and was probably wondering exactly what he'd gotten himself into! 
But it's all good ~ he fits in quite nicely!
Just in case you're wondering about the British phone booth in the background ~ Katie and Mark's wedding was the following January and the phone booth was part of the reception decor ~ that, however, is for another Monday!
Have a joy-filled day!

1 comment:

  1. I went to the archives for my post today too but mine was not quite so amusing. This picture just cracks me up.
    Have fun creating for your craft show.


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!