Tuesday, December 23, 2014

The Office Christmas Party

One of my favorite activities in December is going to our office Christmas party.  I love picking out just the right gifts for my boss, his wife, and my co-workers...and I really love wrapping the gifts up in pretty paper, ribbons and bows!  
Here's my "gifts to give" piled up near my front door...ready to be loaded into my car.

For the past several years we've had our dinners at the home of my boss, Geoff, and his wife, Peggy.  It's such a pretty home...a little bit of snow, and you'd have the perfect Christmas card!

Dinner was served in this cozy dining room....grilled pork loin and homemade mac & cheese among other things.  So yummy!

Geoff's son made each of us these wonderful snowmen!

And Peggy made us these amazing coconut cake, 
and a delicious apple pie (it's hidden under the foil)!
Notice the red and white checks in the background?

Here's a better look!
Love this cozy corner!!

A toasty fire waited for us.  More of Greg's handiwork is in here. The mantle, and the birds and ship on it, and that beautiful coffee table!  The photo doesn't do it justice.  It's made out of two planks of wood and a set of old sewing machine legs.  
It's perfect in this room!

The tree is so pretty...I love seeing ornaments I've given them hanging on the branches.  
I also like to get ideas from other ornaments hanging there.

Like this angel...I love her wings. 
A doily folded in half. So sweet!

I gave Peggy this little felted sheep several years ago.

Another friend gave her this pig...I LOVE this pig! 
Every pig needs a polka dot sweater!

Speaking of sweaters.....how cute is this one!  Peggy found several of these at a little coffee shop.  
I can see bits of three other ornaments I've given her in this photo.  A silver vase, a paper mache star with baby Jesus on it, and a creamy, white mitten.

And here's the most important part of the evening...the people.
This is the current office staff.
Geoff, Jennifer, Regina, Mike, and me.
Definitely a fun group of people!!

First of all...this is black and white because I couldn't get the color edited correctly.  
Secondly, this is the office staff as we began the year.  
Four of us.  The same four that have been together for seven years.  Joan retired the end of June.  We were happy to have her back with us for our Christmas party!

I'm so blessed to work with such nice people!!

Here's a peek at last year's party.
And here's a photo of Peggy and Greg....a little grainy, but special just the same!

It was a wonderful office party!

Speaking of parties...there's another reason to celebrate today.
It's my daughter-in-law Johanna's birthday!!
Happy birthday to you!!
Hope you have a wonderful day!!


  1. Happy birthday to Johanna.
    Your boss has such a lovely home. I remember last years party. That corner with the red checked chair looks like it could fit into your house quite nicely :)

  2. Such a lovely home. Looks like it was a wonderful evening. I love that sweet felted sheep and the angel too. Merry Christmas to you and yours my sweet friend. Blessings


Your kind words have blessed my heart!
Thanks for visiting....and have a joy-filled day!